The ViaVitae Health Blog

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely...
How GMOs Can Affect Gut Health

How GMOs Can Affect Gut Health

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have genes from another species transplanted into their DNA. This is done to increase production or yield or add some other previously nonexistent quality to the organism. These experimental organisms have so far been mostly...

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Healthy Digestive Enzyme and Acid Production

Healthy Digestive Enzyme and Acid Production

Your body is designed to digest and absorb nutrients from the food you eat. You've probably heard the saying, "you are what you eat." But more accurately, you are what you digest and absorb! A large part of this process involves creating hydrochloric acid and various...

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Organic Foods – Are They Worth It?

Organic Foods – Are They Worth It?

Organic foods are becoming more and more popular these days as people are increasingly becoming more health-conscious. After all, what could be safer and more natural than organic foods? Researchers say that organic foods are…

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